Bridging The Gap Between Brand And End User.

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Our Brand Story


The Social Box is a journey initiated by two passionate individuals committed to providing excellence in the area of Influencer marketing services. It depicts the magic that happens when people with different skill sets come together to nurture a shared dream.

While Shubham holds an intensive experience of more than 4 years in the execution of Influencer Marketing, Souvil brings a touch of strategic development to the picture. Influencer marketing is a consistent process of dealing with different people, forte, and requirements. And, such requirements can only be catered to, when the potential of every individual is channelized to its maximum.

We are on our mission to join your journey as a companion. Besides serving as a bridge between brands and influencers, we also are an extended help to Social Media Houses. We do what we are best at, keeping your brand uniqueness intact.

Growth is what we strive for and that happens with Co-creation.

How Can We Grow Your Business Together?

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